Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Book Trailer

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Blog Topic 8

The five animals that I read about was the California Red Legged Frog, Grizzly Bear, Panther, the Manatee, and Polar Bears. It is sad to me that all of these animals are endangered because of humans. Whether its because of mining, hunting or destroying habitats, we are the cause of the loss of these great animals. Of these five animals the one that I think is the worst would be the Panthers. It says that there are only about 100 of them left and they live in small part of Florida. Panthers are also the most endangered species on the Earth. We need to stop and help save the Panthers because with only about 100 of them left, if we keep this up they will soon die out. This could greatly effect the food chain and the environment. One thing we can do to save the Panthers and the other animals is to stop destroying their habitats. Or provide a breeding ground or place for the animals where they will be ave and can grow.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My Near Death Experience

One event that really impacted my life was the day I  had a near to death experience. A few year ago, I was on a youth trip to Beach Bend Park. The whole day was going perfect, it was sunny outside, no lines, and great rides. All the rides were great until my friend and I can upon a ride that could of seriously changed my life. At the end of the day, my friend wanted me to go on this one ride that flips you upside down and the chairs move and everything. Well i wasn't too sure about it but I decided to ride it anyway. We get on the ride and it begins to start. Just as we are lifted high up into the air, my friend and i realize that our bars had come undone. Meaning that it could rise up any second and we could fall out and have serious or fatal injuries. We tried to tell the person controlling the ride but it was too late. He couldn't hear us. Amazingly, we find a safety belt and latch it on. Though it wasn't very tight and we still could of fallen out, we somehow managed to stay in. After getting off that ride, I was shaking and still in shock of what happened, but at the same time extremely happy that I am not hurt and still alive to this day!

Overpopulation Crisis

Overpopulation is a huge crisis in some countries today. Asia has way far too many people with very little food. We, America, as of right now aren't overpopulated but we have wasted far too much food. China's population is growing very rapidly also, being as large of a country as it is. One thing that might be causing overpopulation faster is having a baby at an early age. This brings more children and people in the world faster than we would think, and it is happening a lot over the past years. Another reason for overpopulation in countries is when a lot of immigrants move into one country looking for a good job and a new life, which is good for them but too many people coming over looking for jobs can cause an overpopulation crisis.

Food For Thought

During our food for thought lab in class, I was shocked to see the ratio of people and food for each country. Asia had the most people in a group than any other country, but they had the least amount of food. This is sad to me because many people in Asia I'm sure are starving because the lack of food there. Unlike Asia, North America had way more food than they needed and North America wastes the most amount of food because there is more than we need. This really brought to my attention how we really should be thankful about how much food we have and that we should really try to not waste food.

My Neighborhood

I live in a very quiet and peaceful neighborhood. There are a lot more elderly people than people my age but I enjoy the peace and quiet. I never really see many people outside doing things except the occasional people walking their dogs. I can't say that I have met and know many people in my neighborhood because they are never around, or inside most of the time. Once a year, my neighborhood has a party type thing where anyone can come and have fun and met the people that live in the neighborhood. It is really fun and I enjoy it every year!

What If?

I thought that these videos we watched were every interesting and made me think. What would happen if we contaminated our water source? What if the rain forest was completely destroyed? Most importantly, what would happen to us, the people, and animals? Those are some questions that really hit me and made me think "what if?". I think a lot of people don't understand what destroying the earth's biomes will do and how it will affect us and animals alike. If these biomes are to be destroyed, it can destroy other habitats, kill many different animals and change the world.

My View on Faith

Ever since I was about eight years old, I put my faith and trust in Jesus Christ. Since then, I am still growing in him and learning a lot of new, interesting and helpful things from reading the Bible and going to church. Sometimes we all like to take the easy way out and get around things. Even if its just sitting by a new person at school that has no friends, we tend to care about ourselves and our worldly things. It is certainly not the right thing to do and I will always try my best to do the right thing.

Movie Qualities

A good movie is one that has good movie qualities. One good quality I like to see in movies is how a movie keeps you guessing until the end. You wouldn't want to watch a movie that is predictable and boring. I like thriller movies and suspenseful movies.Also movies with comedy in them keep me watching and laughing. Good movies are those that aren't predictable, funny and keep you guessing.

Lab Report Overview

One mistake that we made in our pea germination lab was that we had dropped some peas. Our result could of been different if we hadn't of dropped some of the peas. Next time, I will defiantly try to not drop any peas and see if there is any difference. Also I would try a different amount of peas per group. Instead of 20 peas, I would try 40 to 50 peas. This way we can find out how accurate the lab is. After doing this lab, I feel I know a lot more and what needs to be done better in a lab report.

Walking By Faith

In chapel Monday, we talked about what it means to walk by faith, not by sight. To me, this was a very interesting subject and i thought a lot about all the times I have walked by sight and not by faith. It is much easier to walk by sight then by faith because with faith, you can't always see or know what your gonna get. But if you have faith in God and trust in him and walk by faith, everything will turn out better even if you can't see it yet.

What Makes a Biome Unique

One of the things that make biomes unique are abiotic factors. Abiotic factors such as light and temperature contributes to and how living things grow. For instance, in the desert, temperatures are very hot and there is very little rainfall every year, making it hard for organisms to survive. Also, in the Tundra, temperatures are very cold and it is hard for certain organisms to live there.